If you or someone you know is experiencing changes in behaviour, personality, or thinking, it might be dementia.
A timely diagnosis leads to better treatment options and support. The Face Dementia website is a resource to help you learn about the signs, recognise them in yourself or others, and start a conversation about visiting a GP to get help.
Recognise dementia
Early diagnosis can lead to treatments and positive changes to slow progression. Face Dementia helps you learn the signs and symptoms.
Benefits of assessment
All diagnoses are helpful to empower people to plan for now and the future.
Take the next step
Taking action can help you move towards a more positive outcome for you and those you care about.
Learn how to:
Explore news and stories
Can changes in movement be a sign of dementia?
Movement Disorder Week provides an opportunity to create awareness about Parkinson’s disease and its links with dementia
Dementia vs delirium
The symptoms of dementia and delirium can appear similar, especially to someone who doesn’t know the person well.