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Home How to… Visit a specialist

Visit a specialist

The GP may refer you to see a specialist doctor for specialist assessment.

Types of specialist doctors the GP may refer you to include:

You may also be referred to a Memory Clinic (known as Cognitive Decline Assessment Service or Cognitive Dementia and Memory Service (CDAMS) in Victoria). These clinics provide multidisciplinary dementia assessment. Find a memory clinic or Cognitive Decline Assessment Service in your location.

Other professionals you may see during your assessment include:

A specialist assessment may be longer and more comprehensive than a GP assessment, but usually involves a similar process. The specialist may organise further tests and investigations.

Sometimes you might be told the outcome on your first visit to the specialist, other times you might need to return after the specialist gets all the test results.

You’ll often be asked to bring a support person to the specialist assessment.

What’s next?

In this article, you’ve read about visiting a specialist for a specialist dementia assessment. Try next: