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Home How to… Get tests and investigations

Get tests and investigations

Your doctor may arrange a number of tests and investigations, including a cognitive screening test, to find the cause of your changes.

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Doctors use a range of tests and investigations to help them make a diagnosis.

Cognitive tests

The doctor may give you a cognitive screening test which can take up to 10 minutes. Cognitive screening tests measure cognitive (thinking) abilities such as memory, concentration, spatial awareness, problem solving, counting and language. The most common cognitive screening test is called the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE).

You might also see a psychologist or neuropsychologist for more detailed cognitive testing. This might take one to three hours. These cognitive tests tend to be more sensitive to memory and thinking changes than cognitive screening tests. They also test a broader range of memory and thinking skills.

Blood and urine tests

Blood and urine tests and used to rule out other health conditions that may be causing the changes such as:

Brain Scans

A brain scan shows us changes in the brain.

Scans used for dementia diagnosis are:

For more information on other tests and scans that may be used in the diagnosis of dementia, visit Dementia Australia.

What’s next?

In this article, you’ve learned about different tests and investigations you may be referred for by your doctor. Try next: