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Benefits of a diagnosis

Many people living with dementia wished they had received their diagnosis earlier.

Senior woman and daughter prepare meal

A recent UK survey found over 90% of people living with dementia saw clear benefits to getting a diagnosis.

Many people living with dementia wished they had received their diagnosis earlier but put off getting an assessment because of denial or confusing dementia with old age.

Dr Dimity Pond describes some of the benefits of getting a diagnosis on this short video by Dementia Australia:

It’s better to know

Knowing the diagnosis can bring a sense of relief: “We now know why the changes are happening.”

Get dementia medications

A dementia diagnosis is needed to receive prescription medications for dementia. Depending on the type of dementia, a specialist doctor may prescribe one of four medications currently approved for the treatment of dementia in Australia (for more information visit Forward with Dementia).

Get rehabilitation and other therapies

A dementia diagnosis means you can access rehabilitative treatments such as brain training, cognitive rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation which can help people to manage memory and thinking difficulties (for more information visit Forward with Dementia).

Get subsidised healthcare and services to help manage at home

People diagnosed with dementia can access subsidised healthcare and support services including:

Get emotional and psychological support

Get post-diagnostic support

A dementia diagnosis opens the door to education and support programs including:

There is also the Dementia Support Australia’s Staying at Home program.

Know the type of dementia

There are many different types of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia are the most common. Other types include Fronto-temporal dementia, Lewy Body Dementia and Mixed dementia. There are different symptoms, treatments and management strategies for each dementia type. Knowing the type of dementia means it can be better managed and treated.  

Make positive changes to slow progression

Getting a diagnosis can motivate people to take steps to live well with dementia. The Forward with Dementia website provides information about positive changes and other strategies that may slow the progress of dementia.

Plan ahead

A diagnosis often changes how people make plans and decisions about their lives. Many people focus more on doing things that are important to them, such as spending time with people they love, or travelling. After diagnosis is a good time to make legal and medical decisions for the future such as setting up power of attorney and enduring guardianship documents.

Get support at work

People diagnosed with dementia while they are still working are protected via anti-discrimination legislation. Employers are legally obligated to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to allow a person with a disability to do their work (cognitive impairment associated with dementia falls under national disability legislation). For more information, visit Dementia Australia.

Get benefits from a diagnosis at every stage of dementia

People may be diagnosed with dementia at different stages – early (mild), middle (moderate) or late (advanced).

Getting a diagnosis during the early stages means you will have more time to understand and adjust to the condition, as well as make positive changes that can improve your quality of life or that of your loved one. Medications and therapies are often most helpful for people in the mild to moderate stages.

A diagnosis in the moderate stages provides additional justification for government subsidised services including home modifications, mobility aids and care and support at home. It can also include overnight care and help with eating and personal care. These supports can be accessed through MyAgedCare (over 65 years) or NDIS (under 65 years). If changed behaviour impacts people living with dementia, support is also available via Dementia Support Australia.

A diagnosis is important in the later stages, even if the person is already receiving home care or living in residential care. A dementia diagnosis can provide access to extra government financial subsidies for people with dementia. Families can use the diagnosis to advocate for the right care and support for the person living with dementia.

What’s next?

In this article, you’ve learned some ways to monitor for changes that might indicate dementia. Try next: