Dementia and driving
As people get older, many worry about whether they will be allowed to drive, or whether they should still drive.

Driving is an important part of life. As well as getting from A to B, it’s a part of being independent. Some people like the activity of driving, such as a Sunday afternoon drive, or going for a drive to relax.
The quick reaction times, coordination and problem solving needed for safe driving deteriorate in all of us as we age, but especially so in people with dementia. Dementia Australia provide a list of ways in which dementia may affect driving.
If you, or someone you care about, are concerned you may have experienced changes that might be dementia, download the Checklist for dementia symptoms and changes and use it to monitor changes. You can use the checklist to start a conversation with your GP, nurse or health professional as well as your family.
If you have concerns after using the checklist, it’s important to visit a GP and ask for a cognitive assessment. If it is dementia, there are benefits of getting a timely diagnosis. Most people living with dementia wished they had received their diagnosis earlier.
Driving after a dementia diagnosis
When people are diagnosed with dementia, they don’t automatically lose their licence.
Australians are legally obligated to tell their state or territory’s driver licensing authority about medical conditions that may affect their ability to drive, including dementia. If you don’t tell the driver licensing authority about your dementia, your doctor may do so.
In some states and territories, it is mandatory for your doctor to tell the driver licensing authority. Also, not telling may compromise your insurance.
A dementia diagnosis may affect your car insurance. If you are diagnosed with dementia, you should tell your car insurance provider as your policy may be void if you don’t tell them this information. They may raise your insurance premiums.
Fitness to drive assessment
In NSW, people aged over 75 and/or with a medical condition need to undertake a Fitness to drive assessment. This includes undertaking a medical assessment with their GP who evaluates medical fitness to drive using the Assessing Fitness to Drive standards (Austroads).
In South Australia, licence holders must self report a medical condition that could affect their ability to drive, including dementia. This can be done when applying for or renewing a licence, or when first diagnosed. Health practitioners must also report if a patient’s medical condition could affect their ability to drive. For more information, visit the SA Government website.
Occupational therapist assessment
You may also need a driving assessment by an occupational therapist to get or renew your licence. Driver trained occupational therapists are qualified to assess all areas of driving. This includes:
- cognition, memory, judgement
- reflexes, motor function
- driving behaviour
- knowledge of road rules, application of road rules
- response times.
To find a qualified occupational therapist, see Occupational Therapy Australia.
The decision to stop driving
Even when they are able to continue driving, some people with dementia decide to stop. They may be worried about causing an accident or getting lost, or they generally lose confidence in their driving skills. Some people stop driving at the request of their family.
On the Forward with Dementia website, read Phil Hazel’s story and Brian’s story and why they made their decisions about driving.
Transitioning from driving to not driving
It helps to prepare mentally and practically for when you might no longer be able to drive. This is so that you can keep going out, socialising and doing things you enjoy when you stop driving.
Some people stop driving gradually. You might start by limiting your driving to places you go to regularly, only drive during daytime and when traffic is not busy. You might use other transport options to get to some places.
Discussions about stopping driving can be emotionally charged. Our companion website, Forward with Dementia has information and links to help if conversations are difficult.
Over time you may reduce the places you drive to (e.g. only to the shops, or to a friend’s home). Getting used to other transport options can make the transition from driving easier.
The Car Free Me program can also help you prepare for when you need to stop driving.