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Home News and stories Face Dementia CALD

Face Dementia CALD

Reducing stigma and promoting timely diagnosis of dementia in culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

FACE Dementia CALD is an extension of our current Face Dementia project, with additional
funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council.

We are working with Chinese, Vietnamese and Arab communities using culturally tailored strategies to increase public knowledge about the benefits of dementia diagnosis and treatments and services.

We aim to decrease stigma and increase motivations and triggers for help-seeking.

We are developing information and resources in the following languages:

Participate in Face Dementia CALD

We are looking for Australian participants who speak and/or identify as Arab, Chinese or Vietnamese to take part in research conducted by the University of Sydney, UNSW Sydney, University of Wollongong and Western Sydney University.

You will help develop a campaign to increase help-seeking for dementia diagnosis in Chinese, Vietnamese, and Arab communities in South Western Sydney.

Participate in a 15 minute written or online survey.

For more information contact Dr Sally Day, Tel: (02) 9351 9988; Email: [email protected]

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