Get family support for an assessment
Sometimes there are different viewpoints between family members on whether to talk to a GP about dementia assessment.

There are times when some family members are concerned about dementia signs and symptoms, but other family members don’t see a need for an assessment.
Some family members might be less aware of symptoms, might have less knowledge of dementia, might want to ‘protect’ the person, or may just need more time to consider and adjust. Past relationships may also affect how supportive other family members might be of the need for dementia assessment.
If you need to get family agreement before a dementia assessment, then you may need to educate other family members about the symptoms of dementia, and give them time to make their own observations. The strategies in the section Talk to someone about getting an assessment might also help with that difficult conversation.
Encourage your family members to view this website, including the Checklist for dementia symptoms and changes (see Check for changes).