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Home News and stories Faces of Dementia series: Digital stories

Faces of Dementia series: Digital stories

The first story in the Faces of Dementia series is about Bobby Redman. She says getting a dementia diagnosis was essential.

Bobby Redman

As part of the Face Dementia program, we are sharing stories of people living with dementia as well as their carers. The “Faces of Dementia series” comprises stories of individual experiences of dementia, including the changes they first noticed, how they sought help and a diagnosis, and how they live well with dementia. To date, we have three written stories from people living with dementia including:

You can also read Mabel’s story which provides the perspective of a daughter who wished she’d sought a dementia diagnosis for her parents.

Face Dementia are producing digital stories hosted on the Face Dementia YouTube channel.

The first of our digital stories is about (and narrated by) Bobby Redman. Bobby has made a significant contribution as a dementia advocate in her local community and throughout Australia. She was involved in the development of Face Dementia (Timely Diagnosis of Dementia Research Project), and continues to promote the Forward with Dementia project resources.

Watch Bobby’s story below (3 minutes):

We hope the digital stories will help others to learn the different types of changes people first notice, how and when to seek help, and the benefits of getting a dementia diagnosis.

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