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Dance: a great workout for your mind, body and soul
The combination of physical movement, cognitive stimulation, and social interaction makes dancing the ideal activity for maintaining physical, brain and emotional health.
Time to plan
The holiday season is a distant memory and it’s time to consider the year ahead and your longer-term plans for the future.
Experiencing changes at work
If you are diagnosed with dementia, depending on your work role, you may be able to continue working or make adjustments to your role.
Dementia and driving
As people get older, many worry about whether they will be allowed to drive, or whether they should still drive.
Can changes in movement be a sign of dementia?
Movement Disorder Week provides an opportunity to create awareness about Parkinson’s disease and its links with dementia
Dementia vs delirium
The symptoms of dementia and delirium can appear similar, especially to someone who doesn’t know the person well.
Carers share important advice to help face dementia
As part of National Carers Week we’re sharing carers’ advice about facing dementia.
Address vision loss to reduce your risk of dementia
Vision loss is increasingly recognized as a modifiable risk factor for dementia.
Older Adult Mental Health Week
1 – 10 October is Older Adult Mental Health Week and time to increase awareness about depression in older Australians and how depression can affect dementia risk.
Building a dementia-friendly future
Dementia Action Week is from 16 – 22 September and this year’s theme is “Act now for a dementia-friendly future.”
Dementia prevention… a reality on the horizon
Eliminating 14 risk factors for dementia could reduce up to 45% globally.
Face Dementia CALD
Reducing stigma and promoting timely diagnosis of dementia in culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
NEW “How to” video resources
New videos to help you recognise dementia-related changes, and start a conversation with someone you care about to get an assessment.
Stroke and dementia risk
National Stroke Week (5 – 11 August 2024) creates awareness about stroke prevention. Having a stroke more than doubles your risk of developing dementia.
Healthy fats for a healthy brain
Swapping out unhealthy fats for healthy fats can be one of the best ways to look after your brain health.
Alcohol and dementia risk
Drinking a lot of alcohol increases your risk of getting dementia and heavy drinking may speed up deterioration in people with dementia.
Benefits of getting a dementia diagnosis
The earlier dementia is diagnosed, the more time you have to get the benefits.
Six reasons to get a GP assessment
Some people try to ignore changes that might be signs of dementia, but it is worthwhile getting a GP assessment.
Can a puzzle a day keep dementia away?
Challenge your brain with puzzles and mentally stimulating new activities.
Volunteer to improve brain health
National Volunteer Week (20-26 May) provides an opportunity to highlight the important role of volunteers in our community and invites people not currently volunteering to give it a go.
Does getting the flu vaccine help reduce your risk of dementia?
Avoiding severe flu in middle-age may protect future brain health.
A healthy heart for a healthy brain
How looking after your heart can improve your brain health over life
Face Dementia campaign launches in Chinese language
The Face Dementia campaign in Chinese language aims to break down social stigma and misconceptions about dementia and promote timely diagnosis.
How to ask a GP about dementia
Raising your concerns about dementia with a GP can be daunting, but there are things you can do to make your time with the GP more effective.
Common types of dementia
Dementia is the ‘umbrella’ term for a group of diseases which affect the brain.
Approaching difficult conversation about dementia
It is important to express your concerns and support the person to get an assessment and treatment.
World Hearing Day: Time to get your hearing checked!
Uncorrected hearing loss increases your risk of dementia.
Helping general practices provide timely diagnosis of dementia
The Face Dementia practice improvement program launched in Western Sydney and Western Victoria in partnership with Dementia Training Australia.
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
What to do if you, or your family member, is diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).
Can you reduce your risk of getting dementia?
It is possible to reduce your risk of developing dementia from mid-life onward.
Noticing changes in others during the festive season
If it’s been a while since you last got together, you might notice changes in others that could be signs of dementia.
Unpacking common fears and concerns
Addressing some common fears, concerns or thoughts about seeking a dementia diagnosis.
Social Inclusion Week
Social inclusion and engagement helps to reduce the risk of dementia and depression.
Reduce your risk of diabetes and dementia
November 14 is World Diabetes Day and this year’s theme is “Know your risk. Know your response”.
National Carers Week
Many people fall into a caring role without realising, but it’s important to be aware of the stages of caring to better prepare for what may lie ahead.
Check out the dementia symptom and changes checklist
If you, or someone you know, is experiencing changes in ability, behaviour, personality, thinking or memory, it might be dementia.
Keep socially active to boost your mood and your brain health
Actively socialising can improve your emotional well-being and your cognitive health.
Faces of Dementia series: Digital stories
The first story in the Faces of Dementia series is about Bobby Redman. She says getting a dementia diagnosis was essential.
Physical activity to boost your brain health
Exercise isn’t just about staying in shape or improving your mood; it can also play a pivotal role in reducing the risk of dementia.
Launch of Face Dementia campaign
Face Dementia, a public awareness campaign, is launching in Adelaide and Western Sydney today as part of Dementia Awareness month.
Update on evaluation of dementia-friendly communities
Dementia Action Week 2023 (Monday 18 to Sunday 24 September) reminds us: It is time to act now for a Dementia Friendly Future.